Saturday, July 31, 2010

Symptoms Indicative Globals Register

The following are some examples of questions related to issues Globals Register, including:
  1. My application can run on localhost, but when I uploaded it on the internet, why not walk?
  2. Applications can run on a laptop / computer I'm very well, but when I run on the computers of friends or my office, why can not the road?
  3. My login application why not functioning, even though the username and password are correct?
  4. Why is my data input / submit through the form can not be stored / displayed results?
  5. Why upload the application files that I created based on the instructions in no way, despite the exact same?
  6. I used to create applications using PHPTriad, but after moving to Wamp5 Xampp or why not walk?
  7. Why do applications that I created using Mambo (including Joomla, PHPNuke, Postnuke, phpBB) suddenly can not walk on the internet?
And many more questions similar to those ends must be a prime suspect is the register globals, this is the most popular being the most frequently asked questions, either on the mailing lists and discussion forums as to create a PHP programmer so I'm bored to answer. therefore, we will try to register globals menelusiri subtleties that PHP is not considered stuttering.